Kick-off på projekt SmartClinic

In early October, there was a kick-off for the SmartClinic project, where project partners from across Denmark and Sweden met. The purpose of the day was to meet each other, exchange experiences, and set the direction for the three-year research and innovation project.
In the SmartClinic project, the focus is on using the chronic gastrointestinal condition (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, known as IBD) as a case study to develop and test a model for digitized treatment pathways, aiming to eventually apply it to other medical specialties dealing with chronic illnesses.
In the project, a model for an outpatient SmartClinic is being developed and tested, comprising two treatment pathways: a Clinic Online and a Clinic on Demand. #overgransen
- Clinic Online is a treatment pathway for patients who have a stable disease progression and thus do not require in-person clinic visits at the hospital. Here, patients monitor their treatment themselves using newly developed apps and test kits.
- Clinic On Demand is a treatment pathway that physically assesses all acutely ill patients. In Clinic On Demand, health technology is being tested to provide faster test results, enabling quicker initiation of treatment compared to current practices.